As spring approaches, many homeowners get a tendency to go into cleaning mode. Out come the buckets, mops, brooms and cloths, and they don't return to the storage closet until our home smells fresh and looks spotless. However, one part of our home often gets neglected. Can you guess which part? That's right. The garage door.
Dust Can Get Everywhere
Dust seems like an inevitable part of life. These micro-particles get into everything. Not only is dust unsightly and dirty, it can actually damage electrical equipment and appliances. Your garage door system, its opener in particular, can short circuit, which will result in expensive repairs, not to mention, it can potentially cause a serious accident.
Start With the Exterior
You went to great lengths to choose your garage door - color, model, style, etc. The paintwork looks fantastic and it makes your home look stunning and very aesthetic. No matter how good your door's paint job is, dirt and grime left unwashed for too long can eat away at the paintwork, making it look aged and faded. It doesn't take much to get your panels cleaned. All you need is a mild detergent, a piece of cloth or a sponge, and a garden hose. Add a little bit of elbow grease and your door will be sparkling again in no time.
Now it's the Interior's Turn
You can pretty much clean the inside of your garage door the same way you cleaned its exterior section. However, the interior side has a few more components to take care of. Run a clean, dry cloth around the opener to get rid of any layers of dust. Take the time to clean any dirt and grime from the tracks as any build-up can stop your door from opening and closing properly. Do this with a dry piece of cloth as well, as a wet one could result in leftover muck. Since you're getting close to all of your garage door's moving parts, you may want to consider giving everything a thorough examination while you're at it.
A Little TLC Goes a Long Way
Cleaning your garage door may seem tedious and pointless, but keeping your door clean can increase its lifespan and make it operate more smoothly. You'll actually be able to prevent certain malfunctions simply by making sure dust doesn't get into the wrong place.
If you notice any type of problem while you're cleaning, contact our experts at Garage Door Repair Salt Lake City right away.